DDRF Statement HS2

The Derby and Derbyshire Rail Forum (DDRF), which represents over 100 rail related businesses in the East Midlands, welcomed today’s announcement on HS2 routes beyond Birmingham.

A spokesman said “This investment represents a significant opportunity for SME and larger members of the supply chain to support the expansion of High Speed Rail in the UK. The executive of the Derby and Derbyshire Rail Forum look forward to engaging with HS2 Limited on behalf of our members at the earliest opportunity.

“We are also pleased to see that there will be an East Midlands Parkway station on the HS2 route to Leeds. Key to the success of this station will be enhanced ‘classic rail’ connections between the new station and the cities of Derby and Nottingham. We will be looking to work with HS2 Limited to see how existing routes can be enhanced to ensure that the entire East Midlands region can benefit from High Speed Rail.”

The DDRF is hosting its annual conference in Derby on the 8th December at which both the Secretary of State for Transport and Doug Oakervee, non-Executive Chairman of HS2 Ltd will be speaking.

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