Tratos celebrates new Network Rail Product Acceptances

Tratos is pleased to announce two new Network Rail Product Acceptances.

The first product acceptance is for their Tratos DISAF (dual insulated super armoured fibre) optic cable. Product acceptance full certificate PA05/02307

  • 24 fibre single mode DISAF cable. PADS no 0006/140453
  • 48 fibre single mode DISAF cable. PADS no 0006/140454

Tratos DISAF cables will be manufactured at the Tratos Cavi Germany GbmH factory.

The second product acceptance is for their NR/L2/ELP/23002 Module 02 750 volt & 1500 volt DC traction power cables.

The PA05/07386 full certificate of acceptance comes after several years of development and follows a rigorous trial site installation period by Network Rail.

The formal acceptances by Network Rail Acceptance Panel (NRAP) authorise Tratos’ DISAF cables and Tratos’ 750 volt and 1500 volt DC traction power cables to be used on the Network Rail Infrastructure.

For enquiries and information please contact Chris Harris. Email:

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