The Big Rail Diversity Challenge 2022

Date(s) - June 22 2022
All Day

Newark Showground

The Big Rail Diversity Challenge (BRDC), created by Women in Rail and Nimble Media, has truly captured the hearts and minds of men and women in the industry since its launch in 2016 and illustrates the passion and enthusiasm of the Women in Rail team for breaking down diversity barriers, helping to change the image of rail and ultimately bridge the skills gap in our sector.

This bespoke event, a cross between “It’s a Knockout” and “Krypton Factor”, sees gender balanced teams compete in physical and mental challenges over the course of the day.  It is all-inclusive and includes challenges specifically set to accommodate people with disabilities / special requirements or needs.

BRDC demonstrates that gender-balanced teams work better together and raises awareness of the business benefits attained when engaging an equal ratio of men and women. It also offers participants an opportunity to network, team build and fundraise whilst having fun!

For more information about the event, click here.

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