Rail Forum’s InfraTalk is back and this time it is Live!

After three successful online infrastructure networking events the Rail Forum are taking InfraTalk on the road to Rail Live.

Rail Live is the largest outdoor rail exhibition in the UK, which brings the rail industry together in a real railway environment.

InfraTalk Live will take place on day one, Wednesday 22nd June, with two sessions during the day. The sessions will be held in a dedicated space within the Advance in Rail marquee (P80) and will each have a Network Rail region and Tier 1 hosts.

Pre-registration is essential.

Like the online version the format for InfraTalk Live promises a ‘pure networking’ environment for the railway infrastructure sector with no presentations, no applications and no appointments, giving easy access to engage with key representatives from a number of Tier 1s and Network Rail regions.

To book a place visit the Rail Forum website here. Places are limited to one per company/group.

PLEASE NOTE: Registration for InfraTalk Live AND Rail Live is essential. 



For further information contact:


Elaine Clark, CEO



About the Rail Forum

The Rail Forum is a national industry body with strong regional connections including supporting the nationally and internationally important rail supply chain cluster across the Midlands; the Rail Forum has over 330 members providing products and services across all aspects of the industry. The Rail Forum actively supports the national rail agenda and strategy, encouraging collaboration, promoting members’ capabilities, leading a number of regional skills initiatives and supporting innovation and export priorities. The Rail Forum is owned and governed by its members with a Board drawn from member companies.


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