Interimconsult: Making Innovation Happen

Interimconsult has just published their latest IC Insights White Paper Experiential Diversity and Boosting Innovations, Making Innovation Happen

You can read about the four dimensions of experiential diversity including demographics, social factors, cognitive diversity, and career experience, and how to ensure it is used and valued, not suppressed, by organisational culture or ways of working.

It talks about the fact that subject matter expertise needed to overcome the technology or scientific barriers to innovation is only one of the areas of expertise needed to create sustainable value. The innovation journey needs expert input from other areas at different points on that journey – product development is different to marketing.

But the most successful innovators know that serendipity-led innovation is influenced by environmental prompts so different people with different experiences can easily interact as part of normal work.

You can also listen to the podcast, part of the Talking Innovation series on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon Music.

There are a variety of other articles about innovation plus other White Papers about innovation and artificial intelligence on the Interimconsult website.

If your organisation wants to explore this area or any other others relating to innovation, we offer tailored Making Innovation Happen Programmes, Innovation Discovery Workshops, Innovation Mentoring, and bespoke Innovation Consultancy.

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